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EPISODE 19 – Exploring Fukushima Nuclear Powerplant Tsunami Disaster Zone in Japan

EPISODE 19 – Exploring Fukushima Nuclear Powerplant Tsunami Disaster Zone in Japan

    Exploring Fukushima Nuclear Powerplant Tsunami Disaster Zone in Japan - Ep19

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    First things first when arriving on Honshu is repairing the carburator which had been holding us back for weeks now. Zig zag down the island from coast to coast and find out that this Japanese island is a motorcycle touring paradise. With old narrow twisty mountain roads sticking to the surface at whatever angle. On the east coast around Sendai I notice a lot more barren land with remnants of past destruction. This is the region hit hardest by the tsunami that followed the 9.1 earthquake back in 2011. Three and a half years later they are still rebuilding the region, putting up new massive seawall defenses. I try to get to the Fukushima nuclear powerplant but it’s not possible to get close. We only managed to get close to powerplant number two which was also hit but survived. When I was there it seemed operational but it looks like it has been decommissioned since 2019.


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