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EPISODE 23 – Riding 1000km to Go Explore Hiroshima & Kyoto

EPISODE 23 – Riding 1000km to Go Explore Hiroshima & Kyoto

    Riding 1000km to Go Explore Hiroshima & Kyoto (Japan Travel) - Ep23 01

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    Japan travel goes on and after a few nights of camping it’s time to settle in the city for a few days. Not any city, the cultural capital of Japan Kyoto which was the capital of the country until the mid 19th century. I’m not much for tourists traps but Japan was too unique to not soak it up a bit. Made some friends and checked out the city recording in full 720potato vision. Kyoto imperial palace (Kyoto Gosho), Fushimi Inari Shrine with all the gates, Arashiyama bamboo forest, Golden temple (Kinkaku Ji) and more. Next city was Hiroshima and the history here is unique being the first city ever to have an atomic bomb dropped in. The Atomic Bomb Dome is still standing from that time. Also take the ferry to the Itsukushima shrine where the deer roam free.


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