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EPISODE 20 – That Feeling when You Ride into Tokyo

EPISODE 20 – That Feeling when You Ride into Tokyo

    That Feeling when You Ride into Tokyo Japan from Europe - Ep20 01

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    After Fukushima it’s the final dash traveling down south to Tokyo, the mega capital of Japan. First some more twisties on riders motorcycle touring paradise Honshu, but soon the urban sprawl begins. There I settle down for a a week and explore the city, pretty much ticking off some Tokyo travel cliches. The first night riding through the city felt utterly surreal, just to be able to get there from Amsterdam without putting the motorcycle on transport is mad. Tried putting together a Japan vlog with the tidbits I’d recorded but it doesn’t do it justice. Enjoy this short motorcycle travel documentary in Japan put together with the video footage that I recorded back in 2014. When I wasn’t recording for youtube yet on a potato.


    Prepare the Trip of Your Lifetime



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